Flash Fiction is a Story told in 1500 words or less. Read on to enjoy a quick break.

Sometimes you don’t have time to commit to a full novel, but you still want to take a break.

Enjoy a complete story in ten minutes or less! Click on any story link below to revel in a journey with an undiscovered fictional character. Craving something longer? Click HERE to visit the Short Story Page. They are longer than ten minutes, but totally worth the time.

Want a challenge?

At the bottom of every short story and every flash fiction is a writing prompt featuring at least one aspect from that story for you to expand your skills. I would love to read your finished piece. Submit them at info@ashleystowers.com. I will contact a few writers to be featured on my page!

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Serial Dating

Can Sarah survive her first date with a Serial Killer who lives for the Thrill of the Hunt?

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Elevator Revelations

Detective Alchemy was ludicrously certain of his sleuth skills, as he was sure everyone recognized. But will he be able to solve the grisly murder of professional wrestler BamBam while feeling plagued by the ever-present Sergeant Duggan?

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There had been better days. Days when she hadn’t had to fake the glitter in her eyes.


The Waiting

I sit down, two rows behind them, not too close.  I wouldn’t want them to feel me watching them.  The ambient lights lower and the flickering light from the screen is all that is left.  In the moments of brightness I can see her leaning into him.  Then the darkness flashes and they disappear. 



I used to imagine that the pneumonia I had as an infant stunted my growth and made me small.  But now I know I was cursed to roam this planet taking up such a tiny amount of space that no one would notice my passage or miss my absence.