Short stories are a quick walk with a new friend. Take some time to enjoy an Engaging escape!

Sometimes you don’t have time to commit to a full novel, but you still want to take a break.

A short story is just the relief you need from a long day. Click on any story link below to revel in a journey with an undiscovered fictional character. Needing a shorter break? Click HERE to read a flash fiction story and enjoy a complete story in ten minutes or less.

Want a challenge?

At the bottom of every short story and every flash fiction is a writing prompt featuring at least one aspect from that story for you to expand your skills. I would love to read your finished piece. Submit them at I will contact a few writers to be featured on my page!

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Disappear - Part 1

I didn’t want to want her.  I despised myself for my need to feel her pressed against me.  Even as I pressed her back against the wall, I wanted to be able to stop.  I wanted to pull back.  I buried my face into her neck and felt her hair fall around my face.  Even the smell of her cheap dollar store shampoo was so familiar. It forced the blood through my body and made my breath quicken.  She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist.  I pulled her shirt over her head, smelling the damn shampoo again as her hair fell around me.  She leaned back and looked triumphant.  Her confidence in my inability to say no was both an aphrodisiac and my greatest vexation.  Hungrily, I dug my fingers into delicate lace of her panties and felt them tear in my hand. I pressed into her as her nails dug into the skin on my back, and she pulled me in deeper.


The Viewing

“Benji, bring Tina and I another,” mom says as she shakes her empty glass at me, the ice clinks loudly, and I cringe as everyone turns to look. 

“Ok,” I say as I set down the programs I was handing out and I pluck the glass from her hand.   Mom is busy entertaining Mrs. Collins, who is here from the society pages.  Mrs. Collins is commenting on how tasteful everything is.